Immortal Sisters of the Tao Foundation

The Immortal Sisters of the Tao’s (TIS) mission is to present female teachers of Tai Chi, Qigong, and Taoist meditation and to provide financial support to women who want to further their education and training in these arts. 

Many women, particularly women of color, face obstacles in committing to their practice of Taoist physical and spiritual cultivation. Prioritizing attendance at training programs and retreats can be quite challenging for many women who are interested but are unable to stretch their money to afford these educational opportunities in addition to their work and family commitments.

TIS is a non-profit that will provide scholarships to worthy women who are serious and committed to training in these valuable arts. Teacher certification, training programs and retreats in Qigong, Tai Chi, and Taoist meditation will all be eligible for financial support. 

We are inspired to continue the legacy of the distinguished female Taoist practitioners and spiritual adepts who lived from the 3rd-12th C. presented in Thomas Cleary's book, “The Immortal Sisters - Secret Teachings of Taoist Women”. These women represent a unique female heritage of spiritual mastery as well as humanitarianism and are the guiding inspiration for this important effort. 

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